Your are here: Home > Toys > Details - International hub & platform for meaningful design for kids is an International hub & platform for meaningful design for kids.

Discover carefully chosen toys, furniture for children as well as home accessories and get to know responsible and creative manufacturers and designers who care to make a suitable difference in the world of design for kids.

Creativity and imagination are necessary conditions for children to live a malleable, meaningful and content life in our consumer world. If children don't have access to either of these, they will find it difficult to make independent decisions later in life.

Afilii works with international designers and manufacturer to promote children's creativity and imagination across all cultures.

One of the fundamental principles of a democratic upbringing is the idea that children should „just try it out…“. In this sense we feel that children should be given a voice in determining what spaces and products they grow up in and with – ones that they find delight in and that they can use actively and with joy.

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