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B2BDir Using Help

How to find the appropriate B2B website for yourself?

The categories provided by B2B are plentiful. 

1.The classified the B2B website through territorial scope, mainly divided into 6 zones, like Asia, America, Europe, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East, 

refering to site headquarter and location of main user groups, so that you can choose the business platform according to your target market.

2. B2B site which classified by product industries, so that you can choose suitable platform to advertise your products for contributing to international business according to your product. 

How to submit B2B website to Tradeb2b? is a free B2B website catalog. You can freely submit B2B website which should be related to international business. Please fill in the complete introduction, like site title, site brief introduction,site address, site industry when submitting your website, we will check and show your site as soon as possible. 

How to put forward your opinions and suggestions to TradeB2B?

TradeB2B will be very thankful and valued your precious opinions and suggestions. We will take your reasonable advice to provide more perfect service for broad users. 

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