- Global Chemical Trade Platform and B2B Marketplace
eChinaChem, Inc., the China subsidiary of Pacific Genuity, Inc. (San Carlos, California), provides an integrated end-to-end solution for international chemical trading with China. Our company offers the most effective online b2b marketplace and offline services to help you buy chemicals from China and sell chemicals to China.
China is a huge importer of chemicals. China imported US$97 billionof chemicals in 2006, almost twice as much as it exported. Manyperformance and commodity chemicals, lab and plant equipmentrequired in China market are available only from global companies.
eChinaChem integrated media reaches out extensively into chemical,pharmaceutical, and life science industries in China, to the specificChinese buyers seeking international products, equipment, and services.It provides your business with the ideal China target audience, reachingthe huge purchasing power in the vast China market.
Our online marketplace allows you to buy and sell directly with tens of thousands of China's chemical manufacturers for best prices. On our marketplace, you will find the products you need from the most suitable supplier. Our marketplace has over 80,000 products sell offers from over 20,000 Chinese manufacturers. Our online platform allow you to create buy request to solicit bids from multiple suppliers; once you receive bids from suppliers, our platform also allow you to negotiate with suppliers directly online. Through our online marketplace you can directly reach tens of thousands of China manufacturers to accomplish buying needs quickly and easily right at your desktop.
Our offline services increase your efficiency, reduce your risks, and maximize your benefits in sourcing from China. When you do business with China, you need someone to help you understand China's strengths, to evaluate and audit suppliers, to test and obtain samples for products, to ensure supply quality and reliability, to manage export and import logistics, and to evaluate and select partners for custom manufacturing. We have a team of service professionals to support you with all these activities to translate your trade ideas for China into measurable cost savings. Our service professionals work together to ensure that you can source products from China without any hassles, that you get the most competitive price for your product from the very best China suppliers, and that the product is delivered on-time and with consistent quality to your plant facilities globally.
Online Portal:
Our and portals reach extensively into 39,033 China and global industry professionals and decision makers. targets China chemical, pharmaceutical, and equipment commercial production and distribution segments. targets China life science, university lab and research institution, R&D, and analytical instrument segments.
Our China members represent top Chinese export-oriented companies, the segment of the market that is most responsive to quality imported products.