Your are here: Home > Apparel & Clothing > Details - The trusted B2B apparel sourcing platform is a B2B platform where businesses can search, find and connect with each other via their trusted networks.

HSBC was founded in 1865 with one key objective – facilitating international trade. Ever since, HSBC has used its global network to connect customers to opportunities around the world. However, despite tech-driven improvements in most areas of business, international trade remains as complex today as it was more than 150 years ago.

Seraitrade realised that to simplify trade, Seraitrade need to look beyond banking. Serai was born from this insight and a big idea - a data powered platform to help businesses grow and connect globally.'s goal is to create a truly interconnected global trade network and help businesses from around the world reach their full potential. To achieve this, Seraitrade are starting to digitally connect buyers and sellers in the clothing and garments industry. Serai helps companies to build supply networks they know and trust, paving the way for transparent and sustainable supply chains.

Based in Hong Kong, Serai has the strength of a global bank and the agility of a start-up. It's here to create new solutions to shape the future of international trade.

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